The Graduate School

Our Staff

Ted Russo profile photo

Ted Russo



泰德指导大学的拨款和资助研究项目,并管理资助项目办公室(OSP). 他制定政策和程序,以确保大学是符合联邦和州的规定. He represents the University in liaison with external funding agencies, 并与联邦和非联邦赞助商协商赞助赠款和合同协议. He develops strategic plans, 并实施计划,以促进大学研究和赞助项目活动的持续增长. Prior to joining Montclair State in February 2012, 泰德在伍斯特理工学院担任了七年的奖前服务副主任. Prior to WPI, 泰德曾在克拉克大学和哈佛大学医学院担任行政职务. Ted于1993年获得哈佛大学推广学院文科学士学位, 1998年获得英国萨福克大学公共管理硕士学位. 泰德于2015年获得了“注册研究管理员”(CRA)称号. 他是全国大学研究管理委员会的活跃成员,并就与区域研究管理相关的各种主题发表过演讲.

Catherine Bruno

Senior Post-Award Officer, Office of Sponsored Programs

Phone:      973-655-6923


Office:      The School of Nursing and The Graduate School, 423

Catherine Bruno是十大博彩推荐排名州立大学赞助项目办公室的高级博士后官员. In her role, 凯瑟琳协助教师管理他们的补助金,从审查奖励和合同协议到协调最终报告提交的各个方面提供指导. 她在诸如免费延期和需要事先批准的问题上担任资助机构的联络人. 她负责分奖程序,包括起草与其他机构的分奖协议, review and negotiating of agreements from other institutions, and monitoring of subaward deadlines. 凯瑟琳还担任该办公室的预算经理,负责该办公室各种业务预算的财务管理. Prior to joining the University in August 2008, 她是白原市威彻斯特艺术委员会文化组织拨款和服务经理, NY. 在那里,她管理了8个赠款项目,每年拨款超过200万美元,并担任文化组织的联络人,提供技术和能力建设援助. During her career, she was also a Grant Assistant for the New Jersey Historical Commission, an agency in the New Jersey Department of State, 协助管理向新泽西州历史组织提供的600多万美元赠款. 她于2004年获得蒙茅斯大学工商管理硕士学位,并于1998年获得新泽西州理查德斯托克顿学院公共卫生管理学士学位.

Kate Dorsett profile photo

Kate Dorsett

Senior Post Award Officer & Research Systems Manager, Research and Sponsored Programs


Kate Dorsett has been a member of the OSP team since February 2018. In her role as Senior Post Award Officer & Research Systems Manager, 她协助各个方面的报告和获奖后的管理. In addition, 凯特通过准备和分发指导方针和申请来协调十大博彩推荐排名大学的内部奖励计划, providing support to the University Research Committee, and managing and monitoring the internal awards budgets. 凯特曾在华盛顿的天主教人类发展运动担任赠款专家, D.C., where she managed a $2 million annual grant portfolio. 凯特拥有波士顿学院数学和中等教育学士学位以及高等教育管理硕士学位.

Amanda Loucka

Pre-Award Specialist, Research and Sponsored Programs


阿曼达·洛佩兹自2020年7月以来一直是赞助项目办公室的成员. As the Pre-Award Specialist, she assists with proposal preparation, development and submission of grant proposals to external sponsors, including the preliminary review of sponsor requirements, 并根据十大博彩推荐排名州立大学制定的指导方针编制预算和表格, federal uniform guidance, and sponsors. Prior to joining OSP, 阿曼达在费利西亚大学获得心理学学士学位,并在十大博彩推荐排名大学获得心理咨询硕士学位,在那里她还担任研究生助理.

Jonathan Parker


Phone:      973-655-3221


Office:      The School of Nursing and The Graduate School, 425

As a key member of OSP’s pre-award team, Jonathan works closely with faculty, staff, 以及管理人员开发和提交外部资金提案. 他是协调复杂的主要机构提案提交过程的关键人物. Jonathan joined Montclair from Rutgers University, 他在中央研究办公室工作,负责奖励前和研究开发工作. 在加入罗格斯大学之前,他曾担任基恩大学研究发展助理主任. 乔纳森是注册研究管理员(CRA),拥有哲学博士学位.  在转向研究管理之前,他是一名哲学系教员.

Samantha Tassillo

Sponsored Programs Administrator, Office of Sponsored Programs

Phone:    973-655-3889


Office:      The School of Nursing and The Graduate School, 413

萨曼莎于2024年6月加入赞助项目团队办公室,担任赞助项目管理员. As faculty, staff, and students receive externally sponsored awards and contracts, 她在整个项目期间担任指导和行政支持的联络点. She coordinates various post-award functions, including grant award set-up, compliance reviews, prior approval requests, no-cost extensions, and changes in key personnel. 萨曼莎还协助维护所有电子研究系统中更新和准确的数据, as well as issuing proposal and award reports regularly. 萨曼莎毕业于汉密尔顿学院,获得文学学士学位,辅修心理学. Prior to taking on this role in the OSP, 萨曼莎在巴恩斯从事机构营销,是一名提案专家 & Noble College.

Samuel Wolverton profile photo

Samuel Wolverton

Senior Pre-Award Specialist, Research and Sponsored Programs


Sam joined the Office of Sponsored Programs in August 2012. As a senior member of OSP’s Pre-Award team, he supports faculty in preparing competitive proposals to federal, state, and local government agencies, as well as foundations and corporations. In addition, Sam manages OSP’s funding opportunities listserv; edits and publishes OSP publications; manages OSP’s social media presence; and presents at OSP trainings and events. 在加入OSP之前,他曾担任出版和会计职位. Sam has a BA in English from Rutgers University.