
Human Subjects Protection Certification – CITI Program

十大博彩推荐排名州立大学要求所有教师, 工作人员, 学生, and visitors who conduct research that involves human participants complete a training program on the protection of human participants. The 大学 has selected the CITI program to meet this requirement.


“The 合作院校培训计划 (CITI Program) is a web-based training platform that was founded in 2000 as a collaboration between the 大学 of Miami and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer 研究 Center. 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 joins more than 1,500 institutions and organizations and 2.800万人致力于研究伦理.” 合作院校培训计划,检索自2011年11月1日的www.citiprogram.org

Remember that if you are a student transitioning to graduate school or to a career at any one of the other participating institutions, 您的证书可以随您转移!




  1. 花旗银行网站 点击“此处注册”并选择 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 参与机构项下.
  2. 选择用户名和密码.
  3. 输入您的姓名.
  4. 输入您的电子邮件地址.
  5. Users will be prompted to complete the several registration pages.
  6. Users will be presented with several Curriculum choices. The module called “Human Subjects 研究” (question 1) is the only group required for IRB certification at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学. You may choose the subsection of Question 1 based on what area your research will be in.
  7. 在“我的课程”下,点击 输入 您已注册课程旁边的链接.
  8. 填写“诚信保证声明”.”
  9. Complete the required modules to finalize your certification. When all modules are completed with an overall score of 80%, 花旗银行将发给您一份“完成报告”.在那个时候, your name and certification expiration date will be entered in a database accessible to the IRB office.



返回的用户可以简单地登录 花旗银行网站 and affiliate with 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 to complete their training. If prior login information has been forgotten, click on the 忘记登录信息 恢复登录信息的链接.

  1. From your main menu, click on the link “affiliate with another institution.”
  2. Choose 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 from the appropriate drop-down menu.
  3. Answer the member information questions required by your newly affiliated institution.
  4. Enroll in the course(s) required by your newly affiliated institution.

What will I learn in taking the CITI human subjects course?


  • 解释研究的定义
  • 解释人体主体的定义
  • describe the differences between private and public information and behavior.
  • 认识到同意的要素
  • 区分隐私和保密
  • 确定与研究设计相关的隐私风险
  • identify laws that limit the ability to ensure confidentiality
  • 确定在。中描述的三个道德原则 贝尔蒙特的报告
  • provide examples of how the ethical principles can be applied to research in the social and behavioral sciences, 教育, 人文学科
  • 再加上更多……


It is not recommended that you try to take the CITI course in one sitting. The CITI program is designed so that you can easily exit and re-enter modules at your convenience. The estimated time for completion is anywhere from two to four hours.


完成一门课程后, your learner menu will display an option for “print” under status for the course.

如果您没有在主菜单上看到该课程, click on the link called “previous coursework completed” to access older course completion reports.


你的人体实验训练有效期为三年. CITI will send you an automatic email reminder with ample time to complete the refresher modules. The refresher modules are significantly shorter than the original modules taken for the initial course. 更多关于 人类受试者培训到期 和复习.

更新: CITI HSR Training includes 1 basic training followed by 2 refresher training 课程 required at 3 and 6 years after completion of the basic training. After completion of the basic and refresher trainings a repeat of the basic and 2 refresher trainings will be due again in 10 years time. 例如, if the second refresher training is completed on 1/1/21 the next basic training will not be due again until 1/1/31.

我在另一家机构接受了花旗的培训. 我的证书会转移吗??

返回的用户可以简单地登录 花旗银行网站 and affiliate with 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 to assess if the training completed is equivalent with the required 大学 training. 一些用户可能需要额外的模块.

To affiliate with 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 after login to CITI:

  1. From your main menu click on the link “affiliate with another institution.”
  2. Choose 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 from the appropriate drop down menu.
  3. Answer the member information questions required by your newly affiliated institution.
  4. Enroll in the course(s) required by your newly affiliated institution.

Will I be required to complete other modules in addition to the basic Human Subjects course?

Not only will the CITI program improve the human subjects protections training you receive, but it also allows for added protections that permit you to take modules specifically suited to your research. For researchers working in specific areas or with specific populations, 我们可能需要额外的模块, i.e., if you are doing research in elementary or high schools, we may require that you take a specific module as part of your training before receiving approval to work with those populations of participants.


The majority of CITI trainings include modules requiring users to watch 教育al videos, which may be problematic for researchers with visual impairments and/or sensitivities. As an alternative, CITI offers audio-visual formats, in addition to its classic formats, for 大多数 课程. 以视听形式, 幻灯片演示代替了实际的视频, 还有打开音频叙述的选项. For instructions on how to turn on audio-visual format, 以及花旗提供的课程列表, 请参阅 花旗银行网站.

For further questions regarding CITI training accessibility issues, please 联络我们的办事处.

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