

The 大学 and its IT services teams are available to support students, faculty and staff.
费利西亚诺商学院(SBUS)的教职工, College of Education and Human Services (CEHS) 和 College of Science and Mathematics (CSAM) should contact their 本地学术技术团队 during their scheduled business hours and may contact the IT服务台, 在正常营业时间以外. 所有其他教职员工(在艺术学院(CART)), College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS) 和 School of Nursing) and all non-faculty across all Divisions can receive support through the IT服务台 by calling 973-655-7971, 发邮件至itservicedesk@secretsilm.com,或通过我们的Online 闲谈,聊天.


If you do not have access to a 大学 laptop or personal workstation/device and must access applications or shared drives remotely, 联系大学IT服务台. As the 大学 has a limited number of spare laptops available, Dean/VP approval will be required.  发邮件至itservicedesk@montclair.附上你的请求,包括你的院长/副校长的批准.


如果你没有互联网接入, we advise that you contact your cable and cellular telephone service providers to see if there are any free or reduced pricing internet access options being made available.
Many internet service providers (ISP) and cell phone companies are offering Free or Low-Cost internet for K-12, Colleges and Universities that are affected by closures due to the Coronavirus. Please contact your current phone carrier or some of the local companies to see if you are eligible for some of the plans.
我们研究了一些选项,并把它们列在 互联网接入和热点 页面.
It is also possible to enable “hot spots” on mobile phones (in effect setting up a local wifi network that rides on top of cell data – so not preferred because it is slower and more expensive than “real” wifi connections).  如果你没有更好的选择获得wifi接入, 你可以打电话给运营商开启“热点”.”


你可以用 变焦 在互联网上进行音频和视频会议, 只使用电脑, 无需使用手机语音或数据套餐. 所有教职员工和学生都可以无限制地使用变焦. 你会做到的 访问放大 并登录您的十大博彩推荐排名谷歌凭证(lastnamef@secretsilm.com,密码).


使用密码将您的变焦会议保密. 学习如何使用你的 变焦密码 管理会议.


Attendees cannot join a meeting until a host admits them individually from the waiting room. 如果启用了等候室, the option for attendees to join the meeting before the host arrives is automatically disabled for all meetings.

  1. 登录到 变焦 并进入设置选项卡.
  2. 单击“会议(高级)”选项.
  3. 搜索或滚动以找到等候室选项.
  4. 切换等候室旁边的按钮以启用此功能.


For security purposes, generic accounts should not be used to log into 变焦.  All 变焦 accounts must be claimed by a current Faculty, Staff, and or student.

你可以用 zoom in Canvas as well by posting the zoom link in your Canvas course. Faculty are also able and encouraged to use Canvas Conference which is more seamlessly integrated into Canvas. 阅读更多 如何通过Canvas会议举办虚拟会议. If your computer does not have a camera you can utilize the camera on your smartphone in order to be visible when using Canvas Conferences or 变焦.


教学技术 & 设计服务(ITDS)为教学和学习提供教师支持. 下面突出显示了一些资源. 参观 ITDS网站 查找其他服务和信息.


Instructional Designers are available to meet with you to discuss your course(s) and provide guidance on designing your course, 教学策略, 教学技术等.
You can set up a one-on-one appointment with one of our Instructional Designers using the ITDS预约调度程序.

教师发展办公室(OFA)也为教师提供支持. 参观 OFE网站 了解更多信息.

Adobe Creative Cloud

The 大学 has received an exception through Adobe to allow us to extend Adobe Creative Cloud to our students through May 31, 2020.  为了让学生获得访问权限,请让他们去 http://creativecloud.adobe.com 和登录.  请在登录前查看完整的说明. 完整的路线可以在 教与学技术 选项卡.


你可以访问 your voicemail remotely by dialing 973-655-5323 and following the prompts.
你也可以发邮件到itservicedesk@montclair.请求将您的语音留言转发到您的邮箱. Include your name, NetID, office extension, and 十大博彩推荐排名州立 email address. 我们将协助.


If you need to access your “O” or “N” Drive from off-campus, you will need to log into Citrix. Alternatively, before you leave campus, copy any files that you need to your Google Drive.
请注意: Any files that contain sensitive information (PII or FERPA) should not be copied to your Google Drive.


你可以访问 many applications remotely through your web browser, just as you would from on campus. 你可以访问 Canvas, 工作日, 新NetID客户管理中心 就像你在校园里一样更改密码. Citrix 如果您需要远程访问以下应用程序,则需要:

  • 共享驱动器访问(O:和N:驱动器)
  • 横幅(包括文件管理)
  • 课程提交数据库
  • 项目评估数据库
  • 语音信箱门户
  • 仁科
  • Cognos
  • 黑板交易(SDCL)
  • 钛(仅限保健服务)
  • 合约助理(只负责采购)
  • 税务导航员(只适用于应付帐款)
  • 发给网络打印机的应付账款支票(仅限应付账款)
  • 星系
  • NJFAMS(仅限财政援助办公室)
  • COD(只适用于经济资助办事处)
  • CPS(仅限经济资助办事处)

连接到 Citrix,这些都可以像往常一样通过网络浏览器远程访问.


十大博彩推荐排名州立大学全体教员, staff and students can download a free copy by signing up with your Montclair email account at Microsoft Office 365教育版 网页.


所有由IT或当地学术技术部门成像的计算机, you can install approved software without administrative rights by going into the software center.

Windows 10:阅读 Windows导航文档 查询路线(第5 - 8页).

Mac: Read Mac Self-Service Document (Document under revisement) for directions.


If the software is not listed and you have a license and download for the software, please 联系IT服务台或您的学院或学校的技术团队 to help you install it remotely.


We have preloaded a number of the most commonly used printers into the operating system. 请尝试安装打印机,如果您有问题, 联系IT服务台或您的学院或学校的技术团队.


We recommend only updating your browser from the vendor and not any 3rd party sites as these sites could prove to be a security risk. Please click on the browser name below to find out how to perform the update.
谷歌Chrome | 微软的优势 | 微软Internet Explorer浏览器 | Mozilla Firefox | Safari

Communicating with Students or Coworkers Without Using Personal Cell Phone Number or Billing

If faculty and advisors need to call students from a personal phone and want to block their phone number when making outbound calls, most cellular providers support dialing *67 before dialing the outbound number. 这将使您的来电显示为“无来电显示”.”

Faculty and advisors can also use the Slack instant messaging application to send short communications to other Slack users. 十大博彩推荐排名州立 has created a Slack “Workspace” that can be used by faculty and advisors to communicate with coworkers as well as students. 你可以加入十大博彩推荐排名州.松弛.com工作空间.


随着在这一紧急时期越来越多地使用远程访问, it is important to remain mindful of ways to minimize the risk to 大学 and personal information. 请浏览 弹性工作制安全指南 有关更安全的远程计算的提示页面.

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