
Vendor Assessment (HECVAT)

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All Software as a Service (SaaS), otherwise referred to as “Cloud”, solutions used for 十大博彩推荐排名州立 大学 related business must have their cybersecurity practices reviewed and approved by Information Technology.

Approval must be obtained prior to the completion of a Contract Approval Sign-off or purchase process.

This is required irregardless of whether or not:

  • 的 service is being used to transfer, process, or store any 大学 related data
  • 的 service is provided for free or at cost

的 IT 信息安全 team is responsible for performing these reviews and have adopted the EDUCAUSE Higher Education Community Vendor Assessment Toolkit (HECVAT).

One advantage of the HECVAT is that many popular higher education service providers/vendors may have already completed the form. To see if a provider/vendor you are interested in has completed a HECVAT, check the REN-ISAC HECVAT Community Broker Index.


If you are in the process of:

1) 评估 vendor solutions and want to have a vendor’s HECVAT reviewed prior to a purchasing decision/requisition submission, please e-mail the two completed forms below to sec-official@secretsilm.com. Be sure to include a note that you are looking for a “pre-purchase assessment” and any context you can provide regarding requesting the assessment.

2) 提交申请 for initial purchase or renewal, please send the completed forms to the email address above. 的 Workday requisition process for all SaaS/Cloud software purchases will require you to 上传表格 as part of the requisition submission process.

请注意 that all review requests typically take 10-15 business days, so please plan accordingly!


的 requesting department is responsible for ensuring the following criteria is met for all HECVAT submissions:

HECVAT (版本3.x)

      • To be completed by the provider/vendor. Must be returned in the original Microsoft Excel format or it will not be accepted. (没有pdf或其他导出文件.)
      • We 不接受 HECVAT forms older than at least 版本3.0.
        • 的 current version is listed on the right hand side of the title row in the HECVAT document. 最后两个.X表单版本是2.11 and is now over three years old. 这个3.x form version has had significant improvements in content and usability. As vendors are expected to provide the latest and most relevant responses to the questionnaire, we can no longer accept versions older than 3.0.
      • We 不接受 低热量的” version of the HECVAT form for most submissions. If you wish to discuss an exception to accept the 低热量的 version from a service provider, you must contact the security official at the address above 之前提交 获取更多指导.
HECVAT Review Request Form

HECVAT Review Request Form (当前版本2.x)
    • To be completed by the requesting 十大博彩推荐排名州立 大学 department. Must be returned in the original Microsoft Word format or it will not be accepted. (Note: This form is only accessible if you are logged into your MSU Google account using your NetID.)