
十大博彩推荐排名州立大学致力于 教学卓越. Peer 观察 is a means of enhancing the quality of teaching and learning, 并支持有效的教师发展. The benefits of successful peer 观察 of teaching include:

  • Preventing pedagogical solitude by making teaching more visible and encouraging ongoing critical reflection and development among faculty about the quality of their teaching (Gosling, 2013).
  • Fostering a community around the scholarship of teaching and learning through the diffusion of evidence-based practices (Lane et al., 2020).
  • Demonstrating to students departmental commitment to effective teaching practices (Sullivan, et al., 2012).
  • Providing qualitative evidence to supplement student evaluations which generally focus on their levels of satisfaction rather than any deep perspectives on pedagogy (O’Keefe et al., 2009).

观察结果可以是 造型的, offering 信息 focused on helping instructors improve their teaching, or 总结性, focusing primarily on evaluation for personnel decisions or the like. 有些观察可能结合了这两种类型. Regardless of the type, 观察s are most valuable when they allow the instructor to 更清楚地看到他们的教学 both in terms of what is working well and what could be improved.

Peer evaluations should be based both on class 观察s 复习课程材料, 比如教学大纲, 阅读, 和评估, 由部门或项目决定. The most effective 观察s follow a clear process and use a form or template developed or adopted by a department or program.




  1. a的选择 双方方便的日期; the class to be observed should include instruction (not primarily an exam, 例如).
  2. A pre-观察会议 (virtual or in person) to discuss the process and allow the observer an understanding of the context of the session to be observed, or, 在异步在线课程中, the extent of the course to review (including which module[s]).
  3. 实际的 观察. 对于异步在线课程, the 观察 may take a different form and include reviewing a particular Canvas module, 例如. The reviewer should have access to the course for at least three weeks, 留出时间进行审查和跟进, 根据需要.
  4. A 书面报告, possibly amended after the 观察后反馈会议.
  5. A 观察后反馈会议 (virtual or in person) that entails review of the 观察 and an exchange of ideas between the observer and observed instructor about what went well and strategies for improvement (Siddiqui et al., 2007).







  • Discuss the content and the context of the teaching session.
  • 讨论班级动态的相关信息.
  • 确定教师特别关心的问题. 
  • Review the classroom visit and logistics (where should the observer sit, 是否/如何介绍观察者, 等.)




  • Schedule time to arrive early and stay until the last student has left.
  • Bring a copy of the appropriate peer 观察 template for reference.
  • 进行“基于事实”的观察. 记录老师和学生做了什么. 包括引用和例子.
  • Document your 观察s of small segments of the class.
  • Sit outside the instructor’s line of sight to reduce anxiety.


  • 提供评判性的、令人沮丧的批评反馈.
  • 只关注观察到的问题.
  • Point out areas of improvement without providing suggestions for improvement.


观察者应该 provide a 书面报告 that includes both the summary or log of the session and feedback on the class and any other materials provided. Ideally this is provided to the instructor within one-two weeks of the class observed.

Much as is the case with feedback we offer students, effective peer feedback is:

  • 描述行为而不是个性
  • 具体-而不是一般
  • Sensitive to the needs of the receiver as well the giver
  • Directed—toward behavior and action that can be changed
  • Timely—offered as close to the teaching event as possible
  • Selective—addressing one or two key issues rather than many at once 


预计时间:20 - 25分钟

Observer and instructor should meet soon after the session and sharing of the report for further discussion or debriefing:

  • Invite the instructor to begin by sharing their reflections. What sense did they have of the class and what worked and didn’t work? How did class play out in expected and unexpected ways?
  • Solicit questions the instructor has about your report or suggestions.
  • Elaborate on the strengths and areas of improvement you noted.

高斯林,D. (2013). 协作式的同行支持的教学评审. 在J. 萨克斯 & M. Parsell (eds.). Peer review of learning and teaching in higher education: International perspectives (pp. 13-31),多德雷赫特斯普林格.

巷,. K.麦卡尔平,J. D.厄尔,B.费奥拉,S. 刘易斯,J. E. (2020). 创新的教学知识与用户同在. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United State of America. http://doi.org/10.1073 / pnas.2012372117 

奥基夫,M.勒库特尔,A.米勒,J., & 麦高文U. (2009). The colleague development program: A multidisciplinary program 观察 partnerships. 医学的老师, 31, 1060-1065.

西迪基,Z. S.Jonas-Dwyer, D., & 卡尔,年代. E. (2007). 同侪观察教学的12个技巧. 医学的老师, 29, 297-300.

沙利文,P. B.扣,A.尼基,G., & 阿特金森,年代. H. (2012). Peer 观察 of teaching as a faculty development tool. BMC医学教育, 12(26), 1-6.


改编自 Peer Observation of Teaching: Maximizing Benefits for Teaching and Learning, by the Oregon State 大学 Center for Teaching and Learning, which 是根据 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0国际许可证.


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